Thursday, March 15, 2012

Introductions and Greetings

Welcome folks, to this little blog that I've created for the sole purpose of giving fans and prospective fans of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim a legup on taking advantage of the game's Roleplaying elements. I was not a roleplayer before I was introducted to this game, in any way, but when I got a load of the massive landscape, the seemingly endless amounts of quests and treasure troves and the way they carefully orchestrated the layout of the game so that you can go anywhere and do anything you like, in any order you want, I knew I had something special on my hands here. The game was made for this.

My name is Travis, by the way. Though I was a virgin roleplayer before Skyrim, it certainly wasn't my first video game ever played. I've been an avid gamer since Sega Genesis(that's right) days and due to my personality, I have always gone to great lengths to get into the games I play. I am a regular "note taker" and I also have a tendency to go out of my way to learn every detail of the game(and more often than not, write it down). This may seem a bit much to some but other have a similar disease. After a while of this, it occured to me one day that I could be sharing this information and helping other people who think the same way find all this information in one place, from one especially obcessive gamer.

This, of course, is a simple introduction to the Skyrim Roleplaying Guide blog. This is one of many that are in the works about different things and catagories of information within Skyrim. Also, to those who it may interest, a Fallout New Vegas blog will be in the works soon. I'll be sure to make sure all know when and where that will become operational, but in the meantime: here ya go!

Thanks to those who are visiting for the first time(and repeat offenders). Look around, and feel free to make some additions or potential corrections in the comments section. These are not only my ideas but ideas found and collected throughout my tedious searches of the internet. In no way do I claim that all of this information is from me and I will definately be giving credit where I can. Thanks again Skyrim fans, and fans of roleplay...enjoy!


  1. what do you do with the works and home(bed)?????????

  2. Aegon Targaryan... Someone has been reading too much of A Song of Ice and Fire... xD even though you spelled it wrong. Cx
